Our parents of course.
They may nag
They may scold us
Beat us up when we were naughty
They do all that is because they love us dearly
And when the day come to see their children suceed in life
it is the happiest moment of their life.
Spending time, taking the time off just to talk to them....coming home to visit them...
That is the most precious gift that we can give
For they do not want riches, fame
They just want us to spend time asking how they are.
Tribute to my wonderful parents
On the 19 September 2011, all hard work paid off when I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. We were the pioneer graduates and history was set on that day.
Not long after that it was my brothers turn to graduate.
Here are the moments that we manage to capture.
19 Sept 2011, First it was me |
26 Sept 2011 then my brother |
After that mom and dad also graduate??!!
My father's Idea to also try on the graduation robe.
Followed by my Dad |
Then it was mom's turn |
The Teng Family |
The Brothers |