
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Terlepas Peluang Kerja??

Hari ini lepas submit first draf thesis. Balik bilik baring baring golek golek. Terima satu call dari Great Eastern. Rupa rupanye mereka panggil untuk interview. Tapi lepas dengar, yg gua masih study macam tak jadi jer...aduh... adakah dah terlepas peluang?

I don't think so.. I mcm tk yakin yg akan ada syarikat yg nak panggil kerja lepas submit application kat jobs street. But the phone call prove me wrong. Just be patient. Sekarang rasa lagi semangat nak apply.

Takat ni baru apply untuk dua position satu kat Great Eastern and satu lagi kat Krafts.

My advice is be confident. Apply jer kalau rasa nak kerja itu. Terpulang pada mereka nak menilai. kalau dapat job interview its a bonus. Bukan kena bayar pun apply.

Always update the resume. Silap gua juga tak letak tarikh when I will be available.

Elaborate on skills that you are good at. don't limit ur resume just to 1 page. What can you tell in one page??
Nobody said a resume should be one page.

When they do call be confident! Stay calm.
Lastly always remember what job position that you have already applied for. You don't want to sound lost when they call.

Good luck job hunting. Final Year Final Sem..Time flies so fast! Anxious! but at the same time Eager to step out to the world and work for that first job!

1 comment:

  1. Selamat melangkah ke alam pekerjaan en daniel...good luck k... =)
