
Monday, September 27, 2010

Promoter ke...Patung?

Minggu ni ialah minggu penghayatan Islam di Uni gua. So kalau dah tajuk, temanyer begitu mesti la ada mcm mcm aktiviti yg berkaitan dgn penghayatan Islam. Baru 2 hari lepas (kalau tak silap) ada Busana Muslimah, macam fesyen show kot. Tapi dgr khabar la..Satu dewan ditutup dan yg boleh menghadirinyer hanya kaum hawa. Gua tak tau la tapi gua dgr jer...Tapi yg best nyer lepas fesyen show itu, adalah org yg menguploadkan gambar malam itu ke Fesbuk. So wth yg mereka pergi tutup dewan dan tak benarkan kaum adam masuk (bukan wa nak masuk) tapi mcm la dier org tgh pakai pakaian tak senonoh. Semua tutup kot. But wth..ini dah lari topik ni. hahaha

So berbalik kepada tajuk, minggu ni juga adalah business week untuk student yg ambik subject keusahawanan. Dierorg kena la buka bisness jual la apa saja yg boleh menjana kewangan.

So sebagai seorg yg menyokong usaha murni ni..
Gua pun turun la untuk lihat apa yg dijual. (sebab semalam tak sempat) Masa tu pun gua tgh lapar. konon konon nak beli la makan. Then gua dgn semangat nyer gua turun. Ambik la beberapa botol kosong ke bawah untuk dikitar semula. (kata nak go Green!) Lepas gua campak buang masukkan dalam tong itu. Gua pun pergi la melihat gerai gerai.

Gerai 1:

Gua nampak ada bihun goreng, mee goreng dan beberapa lagi makanan yg menarik. Gua pun pergi la. Gua tgk. Diri....Tgk lagi.......

Tak der org tanya pun gua nak makan apa..Senyum pun tak der. Ohh..maybe gua kena bagi tau kot...Tapi dierorg nyer muka tak der expressi pun..macam ...tunggul..patung jer. so gua pun belah.

Gerai 2:

Gerai kedua ni..Gerai jual hamster...Tak kan gua nak makan hamster kot...
hahaha Gua pun belah la. Pergi carik makan kat kedai luar.

Tapi sebab gua encounter situasi ni la gua terfikir tentang entry blog ni. (cite pendahuluan bukan main panjang lagi)

Pernah tak korang ke pusat membeli belah. Korang masuk kedai then ada la promoter dtg serve korang. Mesti la ada kan. Bagi Gua, Gua dah jumpa beberapa promoter yg gua kategori kan disini.

Promoter yg ikut jer kemana saja kita pergi (mcm hantu kuning tu)

Promoter mcm ni tak bersuara, tak bersenyum, tak buat apa apa. Dier cuma tgk jer kita. ikut jer kita kemana jua. Ku bersama mu. Siut tol, mcm la kita nak kuar kan camera, ambik gambar barang yg dijual pastu hantar gi China suh dierorg buat produk yg sebijik.

Promoter yg akan cakap (persuade) sampai kita membeli barang mereka

Gua pernah jumpa juga. Aduh ni promoter memang susah . dier org akan cakap. sampai kita sendiri yg tak nak beli barang tu pun terasa nak beli. Gua senang jer. Gua cakap ok I'll think about it and I'll come back later if I want to buy. Then gua belah tak balik balik lagi kedai tu.

Promoter yg ingat dier pandai sgt

Promoter jenis ni memang Cilake. Ada lah satu hari ni Gua nak beli batery utk camera gua. Then Gua dah beli dah. bawak balik umah test. memang tak boleh. sebab batery yg tak ngam. Gua bawa la balik ke kedai tu. Cilake punya pekedai starts blaming the camera. Cakap the connection tat touches the batery source to deep and all shit.
Cuz that's the way that they are design. U just gave me the wrong batery you moron. Then tak nak mengaku. Then marah2. memang sial. Then adalah brader sorang ni test. Then correct! there is nothing wrong with my camera. Its the batery . Pendek Cite i got a new batery that is correct. and the camera is working fine!

Promoter yg best!

Promoter jenis ni tau apa yg mereka jual. knows their product very well. Pandai berkata-kata. Not aggresive. Let us browse thru the product. Lest us have the option. Let us test the product. Tell us the good and bad of the product. Basically doing what a promoter shud be doing. That is promoting the product!

I say Good Job!

You the best!

Gua pun dah penat type. So like always..

Peace out!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hose Bomba..untuk apa?

Kat Uni gua ni dalam Seminggu mesti ada beberapa kali tak dak air. Kadang kadang kejap jer dalam 1 jam. kadang kadang boleh sehari lebih tak dak air.

Air memang penting. Kalau tak dak air..semua benda yg melibatkan air akan tergendala. Contohnye mandi, basuh pinggan, berak..Cakap pasal berak. Tak ke terkejut badak korang, kalau tiba tiba time korang tgh syok "NG NG!" dah hampir selesai...korang buka pili air tu..just to find that there is no water. WTF!!! memang nak kena balun ni!

Cakap pasal mandi. Time korang tgh syok syok sabun. Dan menyampoo. Pap! time untuk bilas. Tak der air. (yg ni pernah berlaku kat gua, yg berak tu tak pernah lagi, nasib... =) )

Memang Cilake betul la.

So konklusi nyer. hose bomba tu jadik mangsa alternatif. Bukan sebab kita saja saja nak guna tapi dah terpaksa. Mana boleh tahan kalau tak dak air. Mau ker tahan berak. Gua tak sanggup beb!

Dalam time ni, baldi dgn gayung la benda yg paling berguna sekali.

Untuk tadah air. And untuk pasti kan air sentiasa cukup untuk cuci...ehem ehem....


Tapi kadang kadang Gua ter"imagine" juga. What if tiba tiba ada kebakaran. then Org nak carik hose bomba. Dan hose itu pula org tgh guna sebab dier tgh ehem ehem..Tak ker dier berebut dgn abg bomba tu.

Abg bomba: Mana Hose bomba ni!??
                    (gi carik dalam tandas)
                    (jumpa, terus tarik)

Org disebalik tandas(tak tau la siapa): Woi !!! Gua nak guna la!!! Gua belum cuci lagi!!!

Abg bomba: ni kebakaran ni!!!

Org disebalik tandas(tak tau la siapa): Apa gua kisah!! Gua tak nak lari keluar dgn kek ni di buntut ku!!!

hahaha. Kalau sampai macam tu ....macam mana yer....

Peace out!

Entry ni gurau gurau jer ma..Tapi ada unsur unsur sex sindiran juga. Pandai pandai la korang buat tafsiran ditujukan kepada siapa. hahaha!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Not everthing that is bad is Bad

Kinda funny the ways how I get topics to blog about.

Well today, I am going to bring you to the other side of smoking. I am not encouraging smoking to anyone. But this is my view and opinion on smoking.

Welcome to the other side of huffing and puffing.

I know smoking is bad. With all the bad ingredients it has got inside.

To me smoking is not an addiction. However, it is something I quite enjoy.

The moment you light up a cigarette. I regard it as lighting up a flame. You see how the cigarette burns. You can actually get a lot of lesson from it. For me I like to smoke alone. Occasionally I like to do it in groups.

When I smoke alone, it gives me time to think about the day. Gives me time to reflect on my day as a whole.

When you see the smoke, you realise that life is full of uncertainty.. you may be clouded by uncertainty..

But eventually the wind wil blow away all that smoke (uncertainty) away. Which means be optimistic. Rain or shine. Life has to go on. If you want to live life full of misery then be my guest. But if you start to be optimistic and view problem, obstacle, or challenges that come in a beautiful way. You might be surprised what you might end up with

Then you will the the smoke pattern forming into different shape and curves while being blown by the wind. Kinda like art.

And the amazing thing is, smoking makes you appreciate life. This may sound crazy.. But when I smoke, when I inhale the smoke. I get dizzy. I kinda like want to faint. Here the twist is.. Every time I inhaled and when I start to feel dizzy. I stop and take a deep breath of the air. I close my eyes. Breath in slowly. With the angin sepoi2 blowing tru my face.. I kinda like the feeling as if I am given the second chance to live.

Like in life, its little details like this we miss. and everytime we want more of what we don't have.

Try to see life differently. Like the title say. not everything that is bad is bad...

Peace out!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Keep on smiling.

When you have good friends.

Who needs to go to the entertainment outlet.

Let ur frens cheer u up.

Keep on smiling bebeh!

You can do it!

Look at the bright side of things.

There is always a good reasin things happen.

Yeee haaa!!!

Like I said. nothing comes falling from the sky.

With the right attitude.

Positive thinking..

Be optimistic

And most importantly self and people respecting.

You , Yes You!

Daniel Teng Chin Loong !

You can be successful!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Nobody is perfect

We always want more then what we have.

We always wish that we could have what other people have.

We always compare what we don't have but we forget to see what we already have.

Life is like that, we will never be grateful for what we have.

We will always want more.

Sometimes wanting more can be good.

But too much of something is not good as well.

To be can never be...

But to be perfectly imperfect that is one thing every one can do.

Be grateful with what we have...Appreaciate them before they are gone...

When that time comes there will be no room for regret.

Like a friend said to me...

All is Well...

Peace Out!

Beraya di Hari Raya Part 2

Raya tahun..hmmmm. Best...

Dapat jumpa kawan2 yg dah lama tak jumpa.

Ada yg dah kahwin (tu yg paling mengejutkan) sampai anak dah dua. Ada yg sgt berjaya (masa sekolah selalu ponteng class, merayau) tapi skang kete dua biji (Cash) dan ada tanah juga. Ada yg dah kerja..Contractor! Engineer. Ada yg sambung master..Ada yg tgh tunggu tawaran kerja. Ada yg dapat gi melancong di Bangladesh (all expenses paid trip) Masing masing dah berjaya in their own ways.

As for me I got this sem and a sem to go before I join them in the working world. Hope I can make it. Anyways enjoy the photos below:

SMKTM tahun 2004

dak Mad ore kelate yg balik kampung setahun sekali
Pak lan yg mimpi nak jadi penganti Bruce lee dalam seni Wing Chun

Gelagat kawan2 yg akan jadi kawan selamanye!
And as always before I go..

Peace out and have a pleasant day ahead!

Nobody can be trusted

You tell something to some one.

And it ends up by everybody knowing what you say.

There is no one to trust anymore.

Even the one that you think might not betray you..

Ends up cheating.

Fuck life.

Everybody, everybody lies.

It's a violent world

The kind of shit you get on your TV

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Forgive and Forget..

Would'nt it be easier if we were given the reset button. With one push we can reset evey thing to its original setting. Don't have any software to help us erase what ever unpleasant feeling in life...

Wish that there is a soft ware that can make people forget. like reformatting the hard drive... but this is to reformat the emotion... the pain... to erase what ever that is unpleasant...

My God... the pain is getting unbearable each day. some say time will heal...but each day ...damn...

My God the time is getting near for me to go back and face her...

Can I just forget...

Can I just forgive....

Can I erase the unpleasant feeling in my chest...

Can I be strong..and not break down anymore...

Can I not lose my poise...

Oh God....Help me....

Guide me... For I am a fragile being...

Can I really forget her....

There are too many memories of her....

I know to stop..

I know there is no longer us..

But damn my heart isn't helping very much...

Damn I just want to dig it out and replace it with a new one..

Can some one hit me in the head and make me forget...

Now one packet. Can be finish in one day..

Damn at this rate..

I think I am going to die faster...

But what the heck...

Better than spend where no one appreciates it...

I can't sleep..

But when I do sleep..

I wish I never wake up....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

How are you...I miss you

How are you doing there?

Is everything alright...

When I am alone...I think about you alot...

I just want to know how you are doing...

Just want to know you are safe...

But you said not to find you...

and there is nothing I can do...

I don't deny that I am angry...

But to know that I will be losing you forever...

Make me tremble in fear..

As you will not be there anymore..

All those words I say to you...

Its an act of fear..

Fear of losing you ...

Losing you from my life...

Everyday I wake up...

I know I am waking up to a world where there is no longer us...

That I am no longer in your life...

Some say its better to break up now..

 Then to separate later in marriage...

I know you will be fine...

I know you will live your life...

Its just that ...I still care for you...

Very much...

Take care...thats the only thing that I can say...

But I can never do..anymore...

As there is no longer Us in this story....

Please be fine....



Take Care of your self....

Friday, September 17, 2010

Muallaf. Sepet

Muallaf or The convert is the fifth film made by the late Yasmin Ahmad. I still remembered the first time I heard about this talented yet inspiring director was when she directered the movie Sepet. With her highly controversial flims that depict events and relationships seen as forbidden by social conservatives, especially hard-line interpretations of Islam. Sepet was one brave film that break the bearrier of stereotypes which tells a tale of a love that blooms between a Chinese boy and a Malay girl.

In the latest additon, Muallaf was first denied screening in Malaysian cinemas due to the Malaysian censorship authorities request of key scenes to be cut, thus rendering the story meaningless. However, 1 year later, Muallaf finally opens in Malaysia nationwide on 24/12/09 with a few dialogues muted.

For me muallaf and sepet was the reality of life that is happening in the Malaysia. Marriages now are not only restricted in the borders of people of the same colour, race and religion..It is going beyond that. 

Yasmin Ahmad took a brave step into bringing reality to the people.

Watching this two movies... brings back the memories I had with her...

Cut the story short....

Watch the two movies if you havent...

Then we can have a debate on it. =)

Peace out!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I Am Doom!

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Deadline coming up...!

Work piling UP..!

Nothing seems to get done!!!!

Damn ! Damn! Damn!

Shit head! Wake up!!!! AAAAGRHHHHH!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Hari ni gua tgk cite kat tv 2...
haizz teringat plak kat si dia...
dah ler dalam cite tu tunjuk kan tempat tempat yg gua pernah lawat..

aduh menusuk hati gua, terkenang kan dia..
dialek pun sebijik...kamek, sik, kitak...

haiz..bila nak move on..
banyak pula perkara yg membuat gua teringat dekat die...

memang macam tajuk cite dier melukut kasih di kaki santubong
cite pun sentimental semacam. rasa nak nangis pun ader....
rasa rindu, sayang, sedih....tapi semua tu dah tak penting......

sebab dah tak der kasih....

Duduk Rumah VS Duduk Kat U

Duduk rumah sudah semestinyer lebih baik dari duduk di U. U yg dimaksudkan ialah U di Kelantan. Semestinye hujan Batu di negeri Sendiri, Lebih baik dari Hujan Emas di negeri Org.

Kalau kat umah, gua ada means of transportation. Ada moto EX5 dream gua. Ada juga kete Potong Saga Mak gua. So kalau nak jalan2 memang senang ar. Geng2 roger jer. Trus siap then off we go! =)

Kalau kat Kelate...haizz....lemah.. nak jalan, sama ada call kete sapu. atau sewa kete...Kete sapu bukan main ler mahal. Kete sewa...tak kan ari ari nak sewa....nanti kering juga poket gua..

Then kalau sebut pasal aktiviti yg boleh di buat di negeri sendiri. Kalau bosan, leh gi tgk Wayang. Sekarang ada 3 buah panggung GSC, MBO, Cinema 21. Kalau tak suka leh gi men bowling. Siap bagi student price lagi. Kalau tak suka leh gi Taman Tema. Water world dgn lagi satu yg baru buka..ntah per nama dier. Wonderland ker per...

Kalau suka nature leh gi ke Taman Botani. Tgk kehijauaan Alam. Gi Main layang2 ker. Kalau nak tgk binatang leh gi Zoo Melaka. Zoo Paling best di Malaysia. or not leh gi Taman Buaya. Taman Rama2.

Kalau sebut pasal makanan. Ada Asam Pedas! Tomyam. Roti Canai. Kedai Mamak! 24 hours! Chicken rice ball. Cendol. ABC. (gua tau la kat U pun ada. tapi ni asli nyer, kaw kaw nyer)

Sebut makanan memang banyak tempat makan best!

Kalau di U..samaada layan internet...tgk movie kat laptop..atau pun aktiviti paling di gemari..tidur...What alife...

Suasana tak kondusif utk buat apa. Kalau dulu ada la juga seseorg untuk teman habis kan masa. Ni sekarang status single...haizzzz.. damn!

Apa apa pun its good to be back at home!

Layan lah gambar di bawah:

Peace out!

ps: dah dua kali gi men bowling. 2 kali tgk wayang. Jalan raya umah kawan2! Makan Kedai mamak pun dah banyak kali!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hari Malaysia.

Hari Malaysia disambut pada 16 September setiap tahun untuk memperingati penubuhan persekutuan Malaysia di tarikh yang sama pada tahun 1963. Ia menandakan penyertaan bersama Malaya, Borneo Utara, Sarawak, dan Singapura bagi membentuk Malaysia.
Pembentukan persekutuan baru ini dirancangkan berlaku pada 1 Jun 1963 namun kemudiannya ditangguhkan ke 31 Ogos 1963 bagi membolehkan ia disambut bersama-sama dengan sambutan hari kemerdekaan ke-6. Beberapa isu berkaitan dengan bantahan Indonesia dan Filipina untuk pembentukan Malaysia memperlambatkan pengisytiharan ke 16 September pada tahun yang sama. Penangguhan itu juga dibuat bagi membolehkan Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu memperuntukkan masa membuat pungutan suara di Borneo Utara (kini Sabah) dan Sarawak.[1]
Hari Malaysia merupakan cuti am di negeri Sabah sempena hari keputeraan Yang Di-Pertua Negeri. Ia bukan merupakan cuti am di Sarawak dan Semenanjung Malaysia.[2] Mulai tahun 2010, Hari Malaysia juga merupakan cuti am di semua negeri di Malaysia.[3]

(source: wikipedia)

So pe la gi. Esok cuti la! =)

Peace out!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I need another storySomething to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
'Til all my sleeves are stained red

From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw wink, no
I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

My God, amazing how we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Who's driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve

And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Singing straight, too cold
I don't really like my flow, no, so

Tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

Oh, got no reason, got not shame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'ma tell you everything

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away

So tell me what you want to hear
Something that were like those years
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect line
Don't care if critics never jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, all my secrets away

[Thanks to Lindsey Boucher for these lyrics]

Living in The Past.

Ever felt like you are still living in the past...

Ever felt like you can't let go of some things in your life..

Ever felt like, If you had the chance, you would change what you done in the past.

Do things in a different way then you did...

Well I guess at some point of our life we actually regret the things we done..

We boast about past achievement that we've accomplish..

We let the past control how we live..

If we noticed...Being good at something..does not mean we will be good at it in the future if we don't practice..

We get lazy and just let it be...

Just like in a relationship..

Every relationship cannot work if only it is run by one...

It cannot survive if there is no longer love from the other.

Just like in life, those who are good at things might think that it will be enough for them to succeed.

Well stop living in the past. The future might not be as what you imagine..

We need to wake up.. and realise that the past cannot help us in the future.

It just make us things in a better ways.

Reflect on the past..

But don't let it contriol how you live your life..

just let it guide you to ur future..


This morning woke up at about 11 a.m... Haha.. Late? I don think so. Its a holiday ma. Last nite, watch the Movie Kick Ass. Two Thumbs up. It about super hero in real life. And not like super heroes in the movie. Real life super hero get their asses kick. It a fun movie to watch. There is this one super hero, Hit Girl. She.. is I think about 11 yrs old. But damn she can kick Ass!. She kills without remorse. Cut the story short. Just watch the movie if you have not.

Well went out cuz wanted to check on my phone's battery. Something wrong with it. Today, I took a different road that I usually take to go to Dataran Pahlawan. And i noticed so many changes in Melaka. And there is an Old Town White Coffee in Melaka. Wow!.

It good to be home. Miss my home sweet home. Going back to kelantan...Don't Even want to think about it..

Peace Out!

Beraya di Hari Raya!

Selamat Hari Raya!!! Raya tahun ini...hmmmm..ok la.

Terasa gembira juga dapat jumpa kawan2 lama. Jumpa die org jer dpt gelak2. Baru semalam jer kuar dgn die org main bowling. Teringat kenangan lama. Masa sekolah dulu kita org nek moto jer pergi beraya. Sekarang ni Semua nek kete. How times has change. Masing masing dah berubah. Ada yg dah kerja. Ada yg sambung belajar. Ada yg mencari kerja. Tapi yg penting kita org tak lost contact. Masih lagi erat seperti dulu. Kalau kat Universiti memang susah nak jumpa kawan kawan macam ni. Jumpa utk assigment, masa kuliah, masa lab. Then lepas cuti semua bawa haluan masing masing.

Tapi gua tau bukan semua mcam tu. I am just glad to be home. =)

Layan la gambar gambar di bawah. =)

Dari Kiri : Ad, Naz, Maznie, Sufi nye GF, Sufi, Gua
Ni la kawan gua. Kebanyakan nye Malay. Tapi kita org tak kisah pun semua tu. Colour Blind. Asal kita saling menghormati benda lain semua tak penting.

Tambah lagi dua org . Haniff, dgn Mogan!!
Kalau korang pasan dua org awek tu duduk sebelah dgn siapa..tu la bf dieorg. Dak Naz dulu mcm budak budak. Sekarang pun gi tu juga. Kenal dier pun sebab Game digimon! hahaha Tapi masing masing dah Graduate. Tinggal Gua jer masih belajar. Haizzz. Tak per masa gua akan Sampai tak lama lagi. Dgn Mogan. Gua dah kawan dgn nyer hampir Sepuluh Tahun!! Lama gile. Tak lost contact lagi! Memang kawan dari 5SN ni da best. Masih banyak lagi kawan yg tak de. Tapi ni kira kawan yg selalu gua hang out masa muda muda dulu =)

Dari Kiri: Gua, Ad, Mogan, Hanif(dulu kurus skang mcm Lem..Kata dak naz), Hazmir(aktif dalam demonstrasi kemanusiaan)

Layan Jap men Bowling
Walau apa pun terjadi. We are frens forever.! Love you Guys!

Peace Out!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hari yg Tak menjadi

Haizzzz. Entah apa nasib hari ini. Ingat nak gi bank nak beli ticket bus..Tapi semua tak menjadi.

Motor gua. Pancit! Lepas gua pump. Boleh la sampai ke Melaka Sentral. Tapi masa gua keluar. Pancit lerrrr moto gua!! aiseh man!!!

Bawak moto tergedek gedek...Mcm ular lerr. Haizzz...penat betul la mcm ni...

Gua pun tak pasti la bila nak balik umk. bosan betul!!


Please be ok

Please be ok.

Promise me you will be ok.

No matter how long it takes for you to heal..

Don't take too long.

Get up!

Realise that you control your own future!

Not anyone.

I want you to be happy.

I want you to be ok.

I want you to not cry anymore.

I want you to be that cheerful girl I once knew..

But all that will not happen..

If you yourself don't want to change..

It willl just be what I want...

and they will never come true..

Your Life.

Your decision.

Take charge!

I've gone through what you been through..

I will not comment anything.

Just know that I will always be close to support you.

Notice my presence...

Notice me standing in the shadows watching, protecting and taking care of you..

It may not be much...

That is the best that I can do my love...

Please be ok...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why does the guy has to take all the blame?

Why the guy is always to blame in a bad relationship?
When a couple breaks up. Why is the guy always to blame.
I mean come on. There are two sides of the story for goodness sake.
The guy cheats, so? As if girls don’t cheat.
Sometimes the guy is a wrong in the (beginning) relationship, but then how if the girl does the same to him. Isn’t that considered guilty as well.
Woman talks about equal rights.
Then they should not expect men to pay up after dinner.
They should not expect a guy to give away his seat to her.
They should not say that men aren’t gentlemen enough if we don’t help u carry heavy things,
Don’t help you open the door.  Critisize you or don notice how well you look.

We men don’t have activist going in public fighting for our rights. It is always woman this woman that.

In every wrecked relationship. Both sides suffer..Don't just think that only woman is all sad and miserable.
Peace out!

Love the way you lie

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's all right because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's all right because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

Who am I

Remember? I once told you that this day would come.

and you said you won't.

You said you can never do that.

You said you don't simply delete people from your life.

Now...all you want, is to do everything you can to get him back..

I am just sad that things have to turn out this way.

I know for you to get him back you have to delete me from your life.

I know I said you can do that...but some how you already taught about it before I even told you that request.

 ..It really hurt so deep in my heart.

Now, I don't even know who I am..

I don't even know what's true and what's not.

Now I am no one..

It started with no name.

Progresses with the name change..

And eventually with the deletion of my presences out of you life..

I used to brag about the woman in my life.

But some how I knew that eventually I will lose all of them.

And yes it came true.

Now one by one,

They are leaving.

None of them want to have anything to do with me.

All because their guy say so..

What a joke..

And the joke is all on me.

Its natural to want to take care of one's heart.

But in the process we will hurt another too.

You taught I would not notice that this day would come...

I knew that it will come to this.

and you denied it.

now you just can't wait to get rid of me..

Before this he deleted me..

Now its your turn to delete me..

I don't know what to feel.

I don't know what to say.

But like I told you,

If I need to get out of your life for him to come back to you

For you to be happy..

Then so be it.

I am just sad that...People are just like that...

But believe me..

I sincerely wish you all the best...

Take care...

When the time is required for me to leave.

Do me a favaour...

and wish me one last good bye..

I will go and will not be in you life anymore.

I know when to stop.

For now I will just be here to support you.

Don't think that you will be kicking me away.

Like you always say..

I am the one that wanted to do all this for you..

no ill feeling...

Wish you all the best and happy always

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A long Journey.

Its been a hectic week for the past few days. From Kelantan to Sarawak and from Sarawak to KL and KL to Melaka. Been thru a very very tiring journey. I have got to admit that, with globalization, the world's boundary is getting obsolete. We can be in one place at a certain time. And another just like that. I am really gratefull to be able to have the ability and means to travel. Met with people that I didn't expect. Felt the warmth of a Family. Get to feel the care of a total stanger. The journey has really opened my eyes to all sorts of opportunity. Felt all sorts of emotion. Tired, Anger, Happy...All of it has taken its toll on me.

Have been fasting for almost a month now. Fasting has actually made me a better person. Although, I am not a Muslim, I actually got some enlightment by practicing fasting. Fasting is not actually about striving from hunger. Its more then that. Fasting is actually self dicipline. I learnt the meaning of kesederhanaan (don't know what is the english word for it), Patience. I will talk about fasting in another post.

As for today I am going to talk about the journey that I have gone thru. Just to get back home.

Arrived in Lcct at about 5 pm. Quickly went to the ticket counter to find ticket to go back home. But was dissapointed to see that the earliest bus to Melaka is at 9 pm. Was in dilemma of either to wait or try my luck in Bukit Jalil.

But because I really wanted to get back home as soon as possible. I quickly grab a ticket to KL sentral. Rush to the exit to find the bus. My heart was pounding so fast. And I felt really nervous! For so long I was scared to be standed alone...

Arrived in KL sentral about 6.30 quickly disembark from the bus. Rush in the terminal to find the LRT.

The moment I reached inside KL sentral . I was blur. I panicked. I could not find the counter for the LRT. All i saw was just KTM. I went round.
 Felt like breaking down and cry. I was at the verge of giving up. At last I found the counter. But from KL Sentral there is no direct link to Bukit Jalil. So I made a decision to go to Masjid Jamek. Cuz I still remember there is a interchange there.

Arrive in Masjid Jamek at around 6.45 pm. Because the escalater was packed with people. I decided to walk up the stair. And believe me. Those stairs were long. On the way up. Felt like my legs were giving up on me. Then I realised I haven had anything to eat since 4 am today. It was hard. I felt like just sitting there on the stairs and cry.

However, I finally made it. Rushed to the counter. I was right! =) There is  alink to bukit Jalil.

The journey was long to Bukit Jalil. Then came the announcement that its time to break fast. I din't have anything to break fast. I was thirsty . Tired. I even taught of asking some water from a Family that was breaking fast in the Tren.

But I believe in this Ramadhan month. Is all about patience and endurance. What the minds believe. The body can do!

Cut the story short. managed to get a ticket to Melaka. Arrived in Melaka at about 9.30 pm. Was hungry. and asked mum to stop by kfc. Had to wait for about half an hour before being served.

Arrived at home almost 11.15 pm

What a tiring journey.

But because I endure all that. I was much more grateful to be back safe and sound.

What I learn from the journey:

1. To never give up. No one can tell you otherwise if you believe in what you are doing. Its mind over body power.

2. Patience and endurance. If you can work hard. stay strong. Eventually what you fight for will come true.

3. Being Polite. Being humble. Being Human. At time of hardship. Its easy to breakdown and blame every one for it. But try to think of it as a challenge in life that makes us a better person in life.

4. Just live life. Everything that happens to us is part of living. If you encuntered problems, You feel sad. You feel broken. You lost some one. You are able to travel. of what ever life bring to you. Just live it. Its part and parcel of life. Cuz living is the greatest gift that God has gave to us!

5. To appreciate those around us. We will regret if they are gone. I know that feeling. And I am really really scared to be alone. 

Peace out!

I know when to stop.

The time has finally come for me to realise when to stop.

You really do love him.

You really do want him.

As much as it hurts to see you fall for him..

I cannot stop you from being happy.

Its just that I  feel a great loss losing you.

I sincerely wish you all the best.

I want you to chase in what you believe in.

And believe me.

Both of you will get back together.

I don't want to let you go..

But then again your heart is no longer with me.

My heart aches everytime you talk about him.

I feel the pain every time you are sad because of him.

I din't appreciate you.

And now when you are gone,

I start to regret and some how wish I could change things.

I know how much you love him.

I cannot hold you back anymore.

Don't Give up.

Go to him.

Find him.

He will see your sincererity.

It hurts to see you sad.. not because of me.

But because of another.

How I wish you would still cry when I am gone.

You would just light up when you see me.

But I realised all that has gone.

I know you will do just fine.

I know how you feel.

I know and I believe that things will work out for you.

When you call and you were sad because of him,

I was trying to hold my tears...

I was trying to be there as a Friend for you.

It really aches in the heart..

But I cannot cry.

I cannot be weak.

I need to be strong for you.

Giving you advices..I don't know why I did that.

But when I know you will be happy with him.

I just smile in my heart.

Cuz when you are..I am too.

Just stay strong.

Remember ....

The memories of you and me.

Will forever stay in my heart..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

You Cine ker?

I believe its time to put an end to judging people just by their looks.

Malaysia is made up of so many races that its now hard to identify which race or entnicity you belong to. You can't say some one that is fair is a chinese. Because he or she might turn out to be a Malay, or some entnic in Sabah or Sarawak.

Relating my experience. From my previous entry you will get what I mean.

I believe when some one ask you " Awk org apa?" You should anwers "Saya anak Malaysia." Living in this country I believe that tolerance and understanding is most important in holding this nation together.

Because all of us. It does not matter if you are Malay,Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Dayak, Dusun, Orang Asli, etc...As long as you carry the Malaysian Ic and you have pledge your Taat Setai to the country...Then You are One Nation. The Malaysian Nation!

Peace out!

I had a great time

Coming here was'nt bad at all.

Some how and sincerely being here actually gave me a peace in mind.

On the way here, met with a guy. Abg Mat. He made me realise that there are still many kind hearted and caring people in the world.

Coming here gave me the opportunity to see the world. To meet new people.

I like your family very much. You father and bother wants to bring me out tomorrow.

Your father was cool. "He said esok I hantar mereka then I balik then bawak you jalan"

Tak per tak bangun pagi. Tidur jer dulu. nanti I balik kita jalan.

It put a smile on my face just hearing that.

Siap nak bawak gi water front lagi hahaha.

Had a delicious dinner prepared by your mum.

Bonded with your younger brother and elder brother.

Played a game of football with them..It was the most happiest day of my life since we had our problems.

I really want to be a part of this Family.

I even ask your brother if we can go visit him at work. And he said come la.

then later had a chat with your mum. At first when I entered the house I feel bit tense. but after that talk I am begining to fall in love with this Family.

I even asked " Esok Sahur pukul berapa? Say join sekali boleh?" The moment your mother said yes I sounded like sweet music of victory

How i wish I was a part of this Family.

A family that cares . A brother that reacts to every single things I say. A Family that is whole..

I miss you . I wish you were here . Then it will all be complete.

Its hard to believe.

When you told me what happened,

I some how wanted to believe you.

But being hurt so many times.

I know when to stop believing.

You say he is leaving.

You say he is not going to find you anymore.

You say He knows.

Don't you notice. everything you say all revolve around him. You din not say that you are happy with it.

You used he...

So when he comes back for you..

I know you will go back to him.

I learn from experience.

So don't be angry at me.

Don't put the blame on me.

I done nothing wrong.

I just loved you at the wrong time.

peace out!

I am tired

I can't get angry anymore.

What you want to do you do la.

It does not matter anymore.

I also don't even know why I still keep holding on.

I should give up now.

And you should let me go.

After this week I am going back.

I hope I can forget you.

Cuz I really cannot live like this.

You hold on to me

But at the at the same time you are holding on to him.

I hope I don't feel this pain anymore.

Cuz of you I lost many things.

I can't afford to lose anymore.

Your life is yours to deal with.

I just hope you know whats more important in life.

Thinking about everything that you are doing with him now.

Makes me sick.

I hope You don't intend to stay in my heart for long.

Cuz I am cleaning the closet to let some one who really cares, in..

I had my chance,

You had yours too.

Peace out!

Huh?? Must Queue Up ar??

Queing up. Eh..?Other people also don't queue. Why I want queue.

Faster! Faster! We want buy sardine!!
Have you been to an airport?. Ever waited for the gate to your flight to be open. Then you will notice, every time the person in charge makes the announcement, nobody only some people listen to the annoucement.

The annoucement will usually go something like this;

Pintu utk ke Pesawat AK #### sudah dibuka. Diminta para penumpang yg membeli Kerusi Panas (hot seat) sila menuju je pintu B manakala penumpang dgn kerusi normal sila ke pintu C. (lebih kurang la. gua cuma ingt skit2 apa yg org tu cakap. Gua bukannye tape recorder nak igt every word)

Then the flight attendant will come. And the first door she will open is of course the gate of the Hot Seat. Then out of a sudden you will see a flock of human. Eh correct ka a flock? A group of human rushing to that gate. Then kesian la that pretty stewardess. kena tanya one by one. Hot Seat ? Hot Seat? then only a handfull of guest that are entittled to walk through that door.

Here we can see that, Human want things to go fast! The faster the better. Mai so hai Betul. Bukan nyer the plane is going to take off immediately the gates open. It will stay until the last passenger has check in. So why the rush. Like la if you get in early to the plane, you going to get a kiss from the stewardess. Or Tony Fernandes is going to greet you and say hey. You are our lucky one million passenger.

Togehter we can makan tosai! opss! Every body can fly!
(more info here: )

Another thing I notice is when ever the plane stops. Even when the seat belt is still on. People start standing very quickly. I mean like lightning speed. And Pap! Pap! Pap! one by one the overhead compartment is opened. Then everybody start rushing to grab their own bags. And Remember the seat belt light is still on.

Haizzz. The door pun tak buka lagi. Even the stairs are not in place yet. Why the rush? People are so impatient. Even worse is when on the road. When its time to break fast. Every body will be rushing back home. They try to squeeeeeeze in every little opening there is. And this psissed off other road user. I know you hungry. You think you are the only one that fast ker???

Another not so nice senario is people rushing to bazaar Ramadhan or restaurant to buy food. They push, Buy like no body business. Grab like they haven eaten for months. And the irony is, this happens in the fasting month. I taught BulanPuasa was suppose to teach us the meaning of patience, endurance. But the moment people are hungry. I don't care!! Don't mess with me when I am hungry.

Patut la org tak sabar..Aneka pilihan! Rambang mataku!!!
What ever it is. I and many other are also some how guitly of committing such acts.. We are not perfect beings. Just lets not get to over self pity in it. Improving on our weaknessess rather then sulk in it, would be a better alternative.

Peace out!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God is Great

I am not very much of a believer in God. But things that happened in my life made me, opened my eyes, opened my heart. It made me believe that God is always there, looking, taking care and guiding us so that we are on the right track. Sometimes He may show us the wrong path, but that is so that we learn from our mistakes and make sure we don't repeat it again.

Yesterday, I was some one, today I am no one, Tomorrow, I maybe a stranger to you. I should have seen the signs. does not even matter anymore. I should not be angry. For what is done is done.

God is Great!!! for so many times he showed me the path. He showed me that where I am headed is wrong. But I choose to ignore it. But He never gives up. For He is the Lord Almighty, He will never abandon his people. Not like human that would betray one another, once given the chance.

The Earthly possession, The Earthly wealth, The Earthly Love, The Earthly People. will all be gone when we die. But God's Love is undivided. For in Him we will have eternal life.

I have so long strayed from Him. But He never gives up. He made me see the consequences, the road, the wonders of life. He made me think for my self. He helped me find my self back.

I am forever Grateful in Him. What ever I have now, What ever I am sad about, What ever I am angry about. Its just part of life. He gave me the ultimate prize..When He breath life in to me. But he will not let me die just like that. For when I leave this world, He will have already have a place for me by His side. to share His unlimited wealth.

I will appreciate what ever He plans for me. Cuz I believe in a saying that everything happens for a Reason. There is always an explantion to every thing. That is why science was born. For the unexplained part. That my fren... is the power of  God Almighty!

Peace out!

Home Work

Thesis: Literature Review!

Agro ecology: Agroforestry! Lab report!!

UP Scalling: Kenaf!! Up Scallin in Rice!

Movie Adaptation

How many of you are a fan of dragon ball z, ever played tekken before, king of fighters (kof).

Well all three movie adaptation fail to live up to the expectation of the fans.

Dragon ball the movie was a huge dissapointment. Picolo looks like a dwarf. short. I know he is an alien but come on. he look ridiculous! And goku. Goku is a org putih. A white guy!!! he is asian!! come on !!! And kurin. Goku's best fren was not in the movie. Nooooooo!! That can't be!!!. Remember when goku turned into the Giant Gorila. Opss sorrry the little gorrila. he was fuking ridiculous!!! he is the size of a man. as tall as picolo. He should be bigger!!!!

Thts not real musles. Its just a suit. His antenna looks like the whole thing is glued to his head!

Picolo should look like this!

or this!
Haven watch tekken the movie. but from Friends review, it was a dissapointment as well.

The latest I watched is King of Fighter. Huge dissapoinment as well. Terry was old. hands arms were damn small. and his cap was a joke. he look ridiculous in it . damn.! The story is like this, the king of fighter tournament is held in this other dimension. and when the fighters enter this dimension they have to fight and win to get to the next round. the movie started with mai shiranui fighting mr big. The whole tournament was a blur. For me I didn't get the whole purpose of the virtual tournament.

I know they want to compliment the game, but when terry bogard entered the game. He wore this ridiculous red vest and a lame cap. written fatal fury. but he look really funny. How come mai was stronger then Iori and Kyo. haizzzz. wtf!

The plot was about defeating this Rugal guy before he control the world using this bad power source the Orochi!

In the movie the characther either talk too much or they just din't potray the characters very well.!

Terry in Movie! Lame. Weak! Old!

Terry from the Game! How cool is he!! Yezaaa!!!
They should have let the japanese do the movie. or don't do it at all. May be James cameroon should direct it. then it would be cool. For the fans they better stick to the comic of just the game. Don't watch the movie!

Peace out!